Strada Healthcare Accepts Insurance for Rapid Antigen COVID-19 Testing - Strada Healthcare

Strada Healthcare Accepts Insurance for Rapid Antigen COVID-19 Testing

July 27, 2021

Now accepting insurance for Rapid Antigen COVID-19 Testing!

We are pleased to announce that Strada Healthcare now accepts insurance for COVID-19 Rapid Antigen testing in Omaha, Nebraska and Council Bluffs, Iowa.

We’ve seen an increase in testing at the Strada Healthcare facility, likely due to the COVID-19 Delta variant. Strada Healthcare’s COVID-19 Rapid Antigen testing will register the Delta variant, too. Go to Strada Healthcare for testing if you think you might have COVID-19, including the Delta variant.

Insurances that we do not accept for Rapid Antigen testing are Tricare, Medicare and Medicaid.

Administered as a nasal swab by a licensed medical technician, our rapid antigen tests detect proteins from the SARS-CoV-2 virus within 20 minutes. While the tests are specific to the virus, they are not as sensitive as molecular Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) tests. This means that a positive result is highly accurate, but a negative result does not necessarily rule out infection.

In addition, we offer the following testing options, which have received emergency use authorization (EUA)  from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

  • PCR tests – These tests reveal if a person has an active coronavirus infection and should take steps to quarantine or isolate themselves from others. Like the antigen tests, our PCR tests are administered as nasal swabs, but the results can take 48 to 72 hours, and they cost $200.
  • Influenza tests – Our rapid flu tests can provide results in less than half an hour and may help lessen symptoms if detected early enough. These tests cost $25 and can be done alone or in conjunction with any other test.

If you require a COVID-19 test in order to travel or meet compliance for an airline, we can help with that as well. Our Rapid Antigen COVID-19 test is CLIA-waived, low-risk, and reliable, and include appropriate documentation.

If you are looking for Antibody Testing, we currently administer this test in our Omaha clinic. You can read more about this test by visiting our testing page.

For more information or to schedule a test at one of our locations, please contact us.

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